Бүтээгдэхүүний код: SC1212
Сертификат / Гэрчилгээжилт: CE EAC
Дэлгэрэнгүй үзүүлэлт: https://www.progrex.mn/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Sirius_FISVENDERUETESITFRPLLVLTNOCS.pdf
Harvia Sirius is a compact and modern bathroom sauna model that seats up to 2 persons, and is delivered as a pre-installed sauna kit that’s easy to assemble and does not require electrical wiring.
Sirius features a large glass wall and a glass door with a tall door handle, and light colored alder wood benches and wall panels. The outer walls are water resistant and can be used as a shower wall. The outer wall can also be decorated with tiles or wallpaper to match the bathroom’s design. Vega Compact sauna heater and Harvia pail and ladle set is also included in the delivery.
OPTIONAL: Sirius is also available with Exclusive and Exclusive Air benches in alder, aspen or heat treated aspen. Optional accessories include fibre optic lights, decorative wooden lattice and side cover.
Дэлхийд тэргүүлэгч Harvia Саун & Спа Монголд
Холбоо барих: 77118848, 99155711
#Harvia #Finland #Indoor #Outdoor #Combi #Sauna #Spa #Electric #WoodBurning #Heaters #Accessories