Harvia Legend sauna with wood burning GreenFlame heater WK200LD
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Harvia Legend sauna with wood burning GreenFlame heater WK200LD

Алдаа мэдээлэх


Бүтээгдэхүүний код: SHL3410

Сертификат / Гэрчилгээжилт: CE EAC

Дэлгэрэнгүй үзүүлэлт: https://www.progrex.mn/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Harvia-Legend-Sauna-EN.pdf


Harvia Legend sauna honors old Finnish traditions and includes all the elements that make sauna and sauna-bathing beyond relaxing and magical. The dark interior of the Harvia Legend sauna makes a cozy atmosphere where you want to enjoy the silence while soft steam nourishes your skin. The large and spectacular panoramic window offers endless opportunities to enjoy the scenery while taking a sauna.

The sauna has been designed by carpenter Mika Pitkänen and represents the high quality of craftsmanship. The sauna comes as a ready-made on-site module, with plug-and-play electricity connections. The Legend sauna includes pre-installed, atmospheric LED lights and liftable benches which makes cleaning the sauna easy. Harvia’s Legend sauna is insulated, so the sauna is energy efficient and suitable for even colder areas. Insulation also speeds up heating and affects the retention of heat in the sauna.

This beautiful sauna includes luxurious Harvia Legend 240 heater. Available in: Right-handed version SHL3506 (as seen in pictures) and left-handed version SHL3506L.

Дэлхийд тэргүүлэгч Harvia Саун & Спа Монголд

Холбоо барих: 77118848, 99155711

#Harvia #Finland #Indoor #Outdoor #Combi #Sauna #Spa #Electric #WoodBurning #Heaters #Accessories

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