Бүтээгдэхүүний код: HVE804XEM
Сертификат / Гэрчилгээжилт: CE EAC
Өрөөний хэмжээ: 7 m³-12 m³
Дэлгэрэнгүй үзүүлэлт: https://www.progrex.mn/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/datasheet_HVE804XEM_en_202309131527.pdf
Harvia Moderna is the royalty of electric sauna heaters. Moderna will heat up your sauna quickly – and thanks to the digital control, to the exact temperature you want, to the accuracy of a single degree. A separate electronic sensor maintains a steady temperature for as long as you need.
Moderna’s digital Xenio XE control panel makes it extremely easy to use. All the functions are integrated directly to the Moderna heater, enabling easy installation whether you are building a new sauna or putting in a new heater in your old sauna.
The buttons on the Xenio control panel are illuminated for ease of use in dimly lit saunas. Use the control panel to adjust the temperature, lighting and timers. With the timer, you can have the sauna ready whenever it suits you. The control panel can be placed inside the sauna, doubling as a digital thermometer. The XE model can be started remotely, and the safety equipment can be integrated directly into the heater.
Дэлхийд тэргүүлэгч Harvia Саун & Спа Монголд
Холбоо барих: 77118848, 99155711
#Harvia #Finland #Indoor #Outdoor #Combi #Sauna #Spa #Electric #WoodBurning #Heaters #Accessories