Энэ төрөл нь гадна талдаа зэс ялтсан хуудсаар бүрхэгдсэн, нэг талаараа өөрөөсөө наалдамтгай матераил юм. Зэс өнгийн гадаргуу нь үзэмж сайтай тул үнэтэй чанартай харагдах бөгөөд гадны нөлөөнөөс хамгаалах онцгой чадвартай.
- Roofing and roof repairing, flat-deck roofs with traditional and inverse roofing on reinforced concrete slab;
- Sloping roofs repairing – with metal or asbestos-cement boards roofing and roofing wit profiled sheeting;
- Industrial pipelines insulation of hot and cold water supply and steam pipes;
- Heat and sound/noise insulation in air conduits of rectangular and circular section.
Давуу тал
- Fireless method of application. No special additional expansive equipment is required in its easy application;
- Reduced installation time and labor costs (repair time of 100 m2 two workers is 1 hour);
- Can be applied not only by an experienced contractor but also by a common worker or private owner;
- Does not require the cost and effort to perfect surface preparation;
- A foiled surface of the material increases the covering protection from UV-radiation in several times and guarantees a long term of exploitation (more than 25 years);
- The roof becomes a presentable appearance;
- Fireproof material complies with norm RP1, V1, GЗ;
- Application of self-adhesive roofing Rizolin reduces layers in the roof compared to the conventional roofing material. This provides a reduction of the material of the roof at least 30%.